Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Color Proves It All!

The front page of the (UC)LA Times sports page on Monday, August 29, 2011 featured a color picture of two Bruins and an article entitled "Vanilla Shakeout" by Chris Foster.

The front page of the (UC)LA Times sports page on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 featured a color picture of one Trojan and an article entitled "Primal Scheme" by Gary Klein.

That's where the equality in coverage ends!

There is NO "USC FYI" article on Monday.

The Bruin's Monday page C3 was all in COLOR.

On Tuesday's front page, the Bruins got a COLOR "Season Opener" reminder.

The Trojan's Tuesday page C3 was all in BLACK and WHITE.

There is an "UCLA FYI" article on Tuesday.

When will the (UC)LA Times BIAS for UCLA Football over USC Football ever end?