Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just Another ETC!

USC Women of Troy's Volleyball Team is playing in the NCAA Final Four this evening.

What coverage do they merit in the (UC)LA Times Sports page?

"Just Another ETC!" article with no picture!

Last year, the same (UC)LA Times covered the UCLA Women's Softball and Gymnastic teams with articles and pictures before their NCAA championship competitions.

Why is USC's coverage only an ETC?

There is an (UC)LA Times BIAS for UCLA over USC! .....ETC! ETC! ETC!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just Another Basketball Article....

Both USC and UCLA have men's basketball games scheduled for today. (UC)LA Times reporters Ben Bloch and Baxter Holmes wrote articles in this morning's sports page on C-5 about UCLA and USC, respectfully.

Headlines and length of the articles are exactly the same. BUT, the BLASTED BRUIN BASKETBALL BIAS is BACK!

UCLA got two pictures of their players, Carlino and Nelson, and USC got NO PICTURES!

Just Another Basketball Article....with a UCLA BIAS!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What in the world is an ETC.?

The USC Men's Water Polo Team won a THREE-PEAT NCAA Championship yesterday when they defeated CAL 12-10 in overtime at CAL!

What coverage does the (UC)LA Times give the Trojans?

An "ETC." two paragraph article in today's edition.

Last year, when the USC Men's and Women's Water Polo Teams and the USC Men's Tennis Team won three NCAA Championships, they received the same MENIAL coverage. But when UCLA's women also won NCAA Championships last year in gymnastics and soft-ball, the same (UC)LA Times gave the Bruins separate articles and pictures. NO ETC.!



Blasted Bruin Basketball Bias is Blatant!

The front page headline in this morning's (UC)LA Times sports page written by reporter Ben Bolch's read, "Bruins barely put up a fight against Grizzlies". The UCLA Bruins Men's Basketball team lost 66-57 to Montana last night, and they received a front page article and headline. Meanwhile, the USC Trojans Men's Basketball team beat #19 Texas 73-56. No front page article or headline. The Trojans are relegated to page C-5.

USC center Nikola Vucevic scored a career high 24 points to spark the upset! The Trojans played spectacular defense and finished down the stretch!

So why does a UCLA defeat make the front page and a USC victory make page 5?

The answer, as usual, is as follows: The (UC)LA Times' BLASTED BRUIN BASKETBALL BIAS is BLATANT!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Not even a Ripple!

The two time champion USC Men's Water Polo Team is playing today in the NCAA Water Polo Championships. The men are going for their THIRD CHAMPIONSHIP....a three-peat!

The biased (UC)LA Times has not written a word about this quest. However, last year the same biased (UC)LA Times wrote articles with pictures about the UCLA women's gymnastic and softball teams in their quest for NCAA Championships.

Again, the (UC)LA Times BIAS for UCLA over USC is "all-wet"!

Not even a RIPPLE about the USC Men's Water Polo Team!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

When is a rule a RULE?

The NCAA ruled that Cam Newton's dad broke the rules when he sought money for his son's college recruitment. BUT, the NCAA ruled that Cam and Auburn did NOT know. Therefore, he is still eligible to play this weekend in the SEC title game.

The NCAA ruled that Reggie Bush's mom and dad broke the rules when they received money for their son's NFL recruitment. THEN, the NCAA threw the book at Reggie and USC because they said that Reggie and the coaches knew.

When is a rule a RULE? Why punish a Pac-10 school and let an SEC school off with no punishment?

Why am I writing this article in my UCLA blog? I am waiting to see how biased the (UC)LA Times is going to be about this incident. Will they support USC and the Pac-Ten? Will they condemn the NCAA, the SEC and Auburn?

When is a rule a RULE?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not Stanford, Oregon and Arizona State Too!

(UC)LA Times reporter Eric Sondheimer is BIASED against USC! What else is new!

In his Monday, 11/1/10 High School Football article, entitled "Fathers divide time to see sons", he wrote about coaches Clay Matthews and Todd Gerhart. Both of these coaches travel to see their son's games even though they work full-time at Westlake Village Oaks Christian and Norco, respectfully. Clay Matthews's sons Clay III and Casey play for the Green Bay Packers and Oregon, respectfully. Todd Gerhart's sons Garth and Toby play for Arizona State and the Minnesota Vikings, respectfully. Mr. Sondheimer made sure to mention that Toby played for Stanford, but he never wrote that Clay played for USC.

Just more proof that the (UC)LA Times is biased against USC. When will it ever end?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

There They Were in Living Color!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the headline and two color pictures in the (UC)LA Tumes Wednesday, 10/13/2010 sports front page! Reporter Chris Foster wrote that Bruins "Morrell Presley and Josh Smith were suspended for UCLA's game at Oregon on Oct. 21 for 'a violation of team rules,'". Then, in living color, there were two pictures of the players. What! No cover-up! Normally, any Bruin indiscretions are put in a blurb at the very end of an article or they are never reported.

Then, on page C4, the (UC)LA Times actually published the A.P. article about former sports agent Josh Luch that stated that nine former UCLA players were paid by Luch in the early 1990's. Am I dreaming? Did they actually report that about UCLA?

Just wondering....will there be 20+ articles about these Bruins like the (UC)LA Times wrote this summer about USC?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not Stanford University Too!

Not only is the (UC)LA Times biased for UCLA over USC, but it is biased for UCLA over Stanford University also!

In this morning's 10/3/2010 paper on page C5, the biased (UC)LA Times listed UCLA above Stanford in the Pac-10 Standings. In the conference standings, USC, Stanford and UCLA are each 1-1. However, in the overall standings, USC and Stanford are each 4-1, while UCLA is 3-2. Both USC and Stanford should be listed above the Bruins.

Amazingly, the (UC)LA Times didn't list UCLA above USC!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The USC Men's Water Polo Team, the USC Women's Water Polo Team and the USC Men's Tennis Team were honored at the White House yesterday, Monday 9/13/2010. They were congratulated by President Barack Obama for being the only university in 2009-2010 to win THREE NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!

Where was the picture? Where was the article in the (UC)LA Times?


Another example of the (UC)LA Times bias against USC


I couldn't believe the last paragraph in T.J. Simers (UC)LA Times article today. The article, entitled, "Neuheisel is spared the Dorrell backlash", contained three paragraphs about "Uncle Pete". The last paragraph read, "Uncle Pete was even seen on TV shaking hands with the referee between plays, anything to get an edge, I guess. Once a Trojan, always a Trojan."

That last statement is ASININE!. During Pete Carroll's reign as USC Football's coach, it is documented that whomever the Trojans played, the opponent school was called for the FEWEST penalties in the USC game than in any other game they played all season long.

Always, the fewest penalties called when USC was the opponent....WHAT EDGE?

Further proof of the (UC)LA bias against USC!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sense of ENTITLEMENT !!!

After reading (UC)LA Times reporter Bill Plaschke's article entitled "GIVE IT UP, REGGIE" in this morning's 9/8/2010 sports page, I wondered, just who has a "sense of entitlement"? Is it all the USC football players and Coach Pete Carroll that Mr. Plaschke berated, mocked and ridiculed in his article? Or is it Bill Plaschke himself? Mr. Plaschke is still bitter that Coach Pete Carroll stepped between Joe McKnight and himself after the 2009 Emerald Bowl, when he tried to interview the running back. Why is Bill Plaschke ENTITLED to demand an interview? Why is he ENTITLED to constantly write demeaning articles about USC Football players and coaches? Why does he have such a "sense of entitlement"?

Answer: The (UC)LA Times fuels his "sense of entitlement" when it constantly publishes his garbage.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'll Take 15 to 1 Odds!

(UC)LA Times reporter Chris Foster should be jealous of fellow reporter Gary Klein!

On Tuesday, August 10, 2010, Mr. Foster wrote that UCLA Coach Rick Neuheisel suspended tackle Mike Hariis for the first game for violating team rules. ONE PARAGRAPH hidden in the article.

This morning, August 12, 2010, Mr. Klein wrote that USC Coach Lane Kiffin suspended running back Dillon Baxter for the first game for violating team rules. FIFTEEN PARAGRAPHS! Color picture on the front page! Large 5x5 picture on C4!

Why is there such a coverage discrepancy about the two suspensions?

The (UC)LA Times is biased for UCLA over USC! They sensationalize any USC problems and COVER-Up any UCLA problems.

I'll Take 15 to 1 Odds!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Let Me Teach You a Thing or Two!

I am a retired Los Angeles USD teacher who taught for 37 years. I believe that Pete Carroll is an excellent teacher!

Evidently (UC)LA Times Editor Bill Dwyre disagrees. In his Saturday, July 31, 2010, article entitled "Carroll could have taught a lesson while learning one", Mr. Dwyre insinuated that Coach Carroll was not a teacher. Mr. Dwyre wrote, "John Wooden always said that people in his position were, first and foremost, teachers. Had Pete Carroll stayed around, faced the music and coached his gut out for a 4-7 record, he would have become one."

Not a teacher? Let me teach you a thing or two, Bill Dwyre. Excellent teachers have control, are great motivators and teach respect. I was fortunate enough to hear Pete Carroll speak six years ago at a seminar in Heritage Hall about his "A Better L.A. Foundation". Coach told the audience that the first thing he taught his players was to respect everyone the same way. RESPECT! Secondly, a student must be motivated to learn. Coach Carroll is a master at motivation! After observing him on the practice field, playing field, in Heritage Hall and at Monday Morning Quarterback, I have seen him in action. Every word out of his mouth is positive! MOTIVATION! Lastly, control. I remember the first Carroll coached game in the Rose Bowl. The losing Bruins, near the end of the game rushed to the USC sideline, ready to fight. I saw Coach Carroll point at every USC football player from one end of the line to the other. No USC player moved. There was no fight. That's CONTROL!

I have told Coach Pete Carroll in writing and in person that he is the best teacher I have ever seen!

The question is, will Bill Dwyre ever learn?

Sunglasses? Give me a Break!

(UC)LA Times reporter Bill Plaschke criticized USC coach Lane Kiffin for wearing metal mirrored sunglasses on the stage at the Pac-10 Media Day in his Friday, July 30, 2010 article entitled "He's not so sure about this self-assured Trojans coach".

Sunglasses? Give me a break! Mr. Plaschke then wrote, "What is he hiding? Who is he hiding?" Just because Coach Kiffin was the only coach to wear sunglasses in the bright sunshine while the other nine Pac-10 coaches did not. Give me a break!

I wonder if Bill Plaschke was wise enough to wear sunglasses!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


What was newsworthy in this morning's (UC)LA Times article entitled "BCS title goes without saying"?


Reporter Chris Dufresne wrote that "USC effectively forfeited the BCS title when it accepted that Bush was ineligible".

What is newsworthy about that information?

Why did he write such an INANE article?

Mr. Dufresne hates USC!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Pete Carroll is GONE to the Seattle Seahawks, but he is not FORGOTTEN by the (UC)LA Times! Reporter Paul Pringle's Wednesday 7/14/10 article entitled, "Carroll's rules violation could hurt USC's case" rehashed, yet again, all the sanctions against USC and Coach Carroll's hiring of an extra coach. The article was in the LATEXTRA section, not the Sports Page. Guess the (UC)LA times wants to reach as many readers as they can to tarnish USC's image even more! Will the sanctions be publicized every week for the next four years by (UC)LA Times articles?

When the UCLA Bruins were on their four year NCAA probation in 1997 to 2000 because of the Tanya Harding women's softball scandal, the (UC)LA Times didn't rehash their sanctions at all. They were FORGOTTEN!

When will the USC sanctions barrage ever be GONE and FORGOTTEN?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Three Trojans and Three Bruins!!!

Three Trojans left the USC Football team for their own personal reasons. The (UC)LA Times sensationalized their departure with big headlines and lengthy articles by reporter Gary Klein and essentially insinuated that NCAA sanctions were the reason.

Three Bruins were suspended (not kicked off!) the UCLA Football team because they were arrested for FELONY theft. The (UC)LA Times minimized their arrest with two small headlines and a few paragraphs by reporter Chris Foster. Will their indictment and their trial be sensationalized by the (UC)LA Times? Are you kidding? Not their beloved Bruins!

Just remember, the Bruins are the suspected FELONS, not the Trojans.

Just another example of the (UC)LA Times bias for UCLA over USC!

What Does a Headline Tell?

(UC)LA Times reporter Chris Foster breaks the story on 6/26/2010 about three UCLA Freshmen, Joshua Shirley, Shaquille Richardson and Paul Richardson, being arrested for FELONY burglary. Mr. Foster gets a SMALL headline and article. Will there ever be any follow-up articles on their trial?

(UC)LA Times reporter Gary Klein wrote the story on Wednesday, 7/7/2010 about incoming Freshman recruit Seantrel Henderson being released by USC from his national letter of intent. Mr. Klein gets a LARGE headline and article. All the undeserved, excessive NCAA sanctions are rehashed again. No Trojans committed a FELONY!

As usual, any UCLA arrests are given LITTLE press, so that the UCLA image is not hurt, while, USC's harsh, unfair, severe NCAA sanctions are given EXCESSIVE press, so that the USC image is ruined.

As usual, the (UC)LA Times BIAS for UCLA over USC is so apparent!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If It's Not One SC, It's the Other!

SC beat UCLA tonight to win the National Championship in Baseball!

I can't wait to read the (UC)LA Times article about the Bruin loss to South Carolina in tomorrow's newspaper. Since the college play-offs began, it was sickening to read all the articles and see the pictures exalting the Bruins. My "SC" never got that much coverage, even when the Trojans won the World Series in 1998.

If It's Not One SC, It's the Other! I Can Live With That!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Can Live With That!

Three UCLA football players, who were arrested for suspicion of felony theft, got more press coverage this morning in the (UC)LA Times than the USC Men's Tennis Team received in the same (UC)LA Times, when they won Back-to-Back National Championships on May 25, 2010!

I Can Live with That!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two Pictures! Front Page! Interviews! Massive Coverage!

That is what Gary Klein of the (UC)LA Times published when the UCLA Women's Softball Team won the NCAA softball title yesterday! That is not even counting all of the contnuous coverage, interviews and pictures that were published before and throughout the series.

What coverage did the USC Women of Troy Water Polo Team get when they won their NCAA title on May 5, 2010? NO interviews! NO pictures and only nine paragraphs over two days buried in "THE DAY IN SPORTS" section!

What coverage did the USC Men's Tennis Team get when they won BACK-TO-BACK NCAA titles on May 25, 2010? NO interviews! NO pictures and only six paragraphs over four days buried in "THE DAY IN SPORTS" section!

All three spring NCAA titles are EQUAL!

Do I have to ask why the Lady Bruins deserve so much more coverage, interviews and pictures than the USC Women of Troy and the USC Men!


Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Know WHY!

The USC Men's Tennis Team won back-to-back NCAA Championships on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. The Trojans defeated three teams ranked above them to win the title. (Ohio State, Virginia and Tennessee). The (UC)LA Times reported that outstanding accomplishment with a MERE mention of two paragraphs about the Trojan victory in their "DAY IN SPORTS" column.

Yesterday, the UCLA Women's Softball Team won a MERE victory, 10-2 over Louisiana Lafayette. The same (UC)LA Times reported that Super Regional victory with a large headline and an eleven paragraph article written by Melissa Rohlin. The Bruins have not even made it to the College World Series yet!


UCLA Women are more important and deserve five times more coverage than USC Men!

Women's Softball must generate more interest and more professional revenue than Men's Tennis!

A MERE regional victory is better than Back-to-Back National Championships!


The (UC)LA Times just demonstrated their bias for UCLA over USC again!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unknowns SLAM USC NCAA Men's Tennis Champions!

Congratulations to the USC Men's Tennis Team that defeated Tennessee 4-2 on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 to win the NCAA Championship back to back!

On Wednesday, May 26, 2010, the (UC)LA Times published only four paragraphs in "THE DAY IN SPORTS" reporting the victory on page C-8. Two paragraphs were about USC, one paragraph was about the Stanford Women winning the NCAA title and the other paragraph was all about Tennessee.

Here's the Unknown's SLAM! On the same day, Eric Sondheimer wrote an article that was seven times as long as USC's two paragraphs, about UCLA basketball unknowns David and Travis Wear. They are transferring from North Carolina to UCLA. So what!

Then, in this morning's Thursday, May 27, 2010 paper, reporter Chris Foster's article, about unknown UCLA tailback Milton Knox leaving UCLA, was twice as long as USC's two paragraphs. There was a picture of Knox also! Another Unknown's SLAM!

Why do three Unknown Bruins SLAM the NCAA 2010 Tennis Champion USC Trojans?

Because, the (UC)LA Times is biased for UCLA over USC!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What a DIfference a Day Makes!

In Saturday's 5/1/10 article (on page 2 in the Sports Section, no less!), reporter Melissa Rohlin interviewed both UCLA track coaches Mike Maynard and Jeanette Bolden, but not USC's coach. Her article entitled and printed in 1/2 inch bold letters was "Pressure will be on Bruins in dual meet". Most of the article (seven paragraphs out of ten) was about UCLA, not USC. I did not write a blog complaining about the (UC)LA Times bias for UCLA over USC on Saturday. My line of thinking was, that after USC defeats the Bruin men and women in the dual meet on Saturday, then on Sunday Ms. Rohlin will report about the two USC victories and will surely include an interview of USC's "Track Coach of the Year", Ron Allice.

What a Difference a Day Makes!

The Trojan men defeated the Bruin men 96-17. The Women of Troy defeated the Lady Bruins 106-57 on Saturday. On Sunday 5/2/10, there was a dinky "blurb" hidden in "THE DAY IN SPORTS" that reported that the Trojans had won both meets.

Where was a separate article (on page 2) with a recap of top performers?

Where was an interview of USC Coach, Ron Allice?

Because her beloved Lady Bruins were defeated so soundly, Ms. Rohlin (or whoever wrote the blurb) didn't even report the Women of Troy's winning score.

Actually, there is NO DIFFERENCE between Saturday and Sunday.

The (UC)LA Times BIAS for UCLA over USC still lives on!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why did Paul Pringle bother?

As I read (UC)LA Times reporter Paul Pringle's article in the California Section (not the Sports Section) this morning, I wondered why was the article ever written?

Mr. Pringle reported NO new "News" about Pete Carroll and USC. All he did was to "SENSATIONALIZE" rehashed information.

His source, an internal Pac-10 report, never even stated Pete Carroll's name. How is Mr. Pringle privy to an "INTERNAL" report in the first place? Mr. Pringle, himself, made the assumption that the coach named in the report was Pete Carroll. For all I know, the coach that was UN-named could be UCLA's "Slick" Rick!

Of course, the (UC)LA Times would never print a similar article about UCLA!

Will the UCLA BIAS over USC ever end?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is NO PICTURE Worth?

Spring football practice is here for UCLA and USC.

On 3/30/10, 3/31/10, 4/10/10, and 4/13/10, (UC)LA Times reporters Sam Farmer, Chris Foster and Baxter Holmes wrote articles about UCLA's spring practice, and EACH article was accompanied by pictures of Bruin players. On those same days, Gary Klein either wrote articles about USC's spring practce with NO accompanying pictures, no articles were even published, or if there was a Trojan picture, it was always smaller than the Bruin picture.

So, in answer to the question, "What is NO PICTURE Worth?"

Continuing BIAS by the (UC)LA Times for UCLA over USC!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Only UCLA Plays Spring Sports!

The (UC)LA Times consistently reports the spring sport scores of their beloved Bruins in their "THE DAY IN SPORTS" section the next day. USC athletes compete in the same spring sports that the Bruins do, but the Trojan scores are NEVER reported!


USC Men's Volleyball clinched a berth in the MPSF Tournament with a 3-2 victory over Pacific last night.

USC Men's Tennis defeated Arizona 7-0.

USC Women's Tennis defeated ASU 5-2.

USC Baseball lost to CAL 16-9. Although, Oregon State beat the Bruins 4-1 in baseball, so the USC loss doesn't sting as much!

USC Women's Tennis is tied for second after the first day in the PING/ASU Tournament.

When will the UCLA BIAS ever end?

Monday, April 5, 2010


The (UC)LA Times could not BEAR to report that the USC Men's Volleyball team swept their BELOVED Bruins on Saturday 4/3/2010 night at the Galen Center.

They did not report the Trojan victory in their Sunday, 4/4/2010 "The Day in Sports" or in their Monday, 4/5/2010 "The Day in Sports".

If the Bruins had swept the Trojans, I'm sure that the (UC)LA Times would have reported that victory on Sunday or Monday.

Will the (UC)LA Times Bruin BIAS ever end?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Doubly BIASED!

After enjoying seeing the USC men's volleyball team sweep UCLA, 30-26, 30-21, and 30-23 last night at the Gelen Center, I anxiously read the Sunday, April 4, 2010 (UC)LA Times "THE DAY IN SPORTS" section for coverage of the victory. NOTHING! No score, no blurb, NOTHING! In fact, none of USC's men's or women's Saturday scores were reported, at all. Only, the UCLA tennis, baseball and softball were reported.

Here comes the DOUBLE BIAS! The (UC)LA Times did not report the men's volleyball score because their "beloved" Bruins LOST!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Not Eric Sondheimer Too!

In this morning's article "The Day in Sports", reporter Eric Sondheimer was so biased for UCLA! He wrote about SIX Bruins and ZERO Trojans. It's true that UCLA beat USC at Dodger Stadium, 6 to 1, but it takes two teams to play the game. I'm sure if the Trojans had won, Sondheimer would have least mentioned some Bruin players.

Will the UCLA BIAS ever end by the (UC)LA Times?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Four Slaps in the Face!

First Slap: This morning's (UC)LA Times Sport's front page has an 8x6.5 inch color picture of Russell Westbrook. Westbrook scored 40 points in a LOSING effort for NBA Sophomores in the "Rookie Challenge" game.

Second Slap: Reporter Ben Bolch identified Westbrook in his article as a "former UCLA star".

Third Slap: Reporter Bolch, in the same "Rookies are up to challenge" article never mentioned that DeMar DeRozan, who won the "Dunk-In" against the Clipper's Eric Gordon, was a former USC star.

Fourth Slap: There is an 8x6.5 picture on page C-4 of Eric Gordon dunking the ball in a LOSING effort against former Trojan, DeMar DeRozan.

Why does the (UC)LA Times exalt L O S E R S and ignore winners?

They are BIASED for UCLA!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Right There in Living Color !!!

Will the UCLA BIAS ever end?

In this morning's (UC)LA Times Sports section on page C-11, there was a COLOR picture of the Bruin's men's basketball team, accompanied by Chris Foster's article about their loss to Cal.

On page C-10, there was a BLACK and WHITE picture of the USC men's basketball team, accompanied by Baxter Holmes's article about their win over Stanford.

Why does a UCLA LOSS get better coverage than a USC WIN?

Answer: The (UC)LA Times loves UCLA!!!

However: USC basketball fans would love to see a COLOR picture of the Bruins twice a week, if it means that they LOST both games that week !!

Friday, January 22, 2010

BIASED Bruin Math!

In this morning's (UC)LA Times "PACIFIC 10 ROUNDUP" article, the (UC)LA Times published a table of the Pac-10 Men's Basketball Standings. USC, Arizona, Stanford and UCLA are listed in 4th to 7th place with a 3-3 record in conference wins and losses.

The UCLA biased (UC)LA Times incorrectly elevated the Bruins into 5th place in the table when they should have been listed in 7th place.

The table should read as follows:

4th Place: USC 3-3, overall 11-7
5th Place: Arizona 3-3, overall 9-9
6th Place: Stanford 3-3, overall 9-9
7th Place: UCLA 3-3, overall 8-10

When will the Bruin Bias ever end?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not Much to Yell About! (Caption by (UC)LA Times Reporter Chris Foster)

I have much to YELL about!

Why did the (UC)LA Times publish a 5x7 picture of UCLA alleged felon Nikola Dragovic in reporter Chris Foster's article this morning? What has he done to merit such a large picture?

Foster's "Dragovic vows to fix problems aggressively" article title is a true description of why Dragovic was arrested.

Why doesn't the (UC)LA Times protest "aggressively" that UCLA Coach Ben Howland is letting Dragovic play while Dragovic awaits his trial for alleged felony assault?

Does anyone hear me YELLING?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ignore the Bruins! Persecute the Trojans!

After reading (UC)LA Times reporter Bill Plaschke's article this morning, entitled "USC takes action, waits to see reaction", I wondered why Mr. Plaschke kept bringing up Joe McKnight's car incident, in a basketball matter.

Mr. Plaschke must have long term memory loss. He has conveniently forgotten former UCLA Bruin Deshaun Foster. In 2000, Mr. Foster drove an infamous Ford Bronco that did not belong to him. What NCAA sanctions did the UCLA Football team suffer? N O N E ! So why is Mr. Plaschke persecuting Joe McKnight?

Currently, in basketball, Mr. Plaschke has not reprimanded UCLA Coach Ben Howland for allowing an arrested, alleged felon, Nikola Dragovic, to still remain on their basketball team. No athlete, currently at USC, has been arrested for a felony!

Why? Bill Plaschke loves UCLA and hates USC!